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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2021

How to Dealing with Trademark Infringement in Vietnam


According to Vietnam law on intellectual property, when detecting the trademark infringement act, the trademark owner has the self-protection right includes (i) apply technological measures to prevent acts of trademark infringement (ii) request organization or individual who commits an act of trademark infringement of the holder to terminate such act, make a public apology or rectification, and compensate damages; (iii) request the competent authority to handle with acts of trademark infringement in accordance with the provisions of laws.


Trademark Infringement in Vietnam

Firstly, to apply the technological measures to prevent acts of trademark infringement measure, infringed party may give our the information related to original of emergence, trademark certificate, protection and duration scope and other information related to the right of trademark owner in order to inform that the infringed trademark are under protection warn the infringing party not to infringe. Besides, the owner of infringed trademark may use the technical means or measures to mark, identify, distinguish and protect the infringed trademark.


Secondly, the owner could also request organization or individual who commits an act of trademark infringement of the holder to terminate such act, make a public apology or rectification, and compensate damages. In particular, the trademark owners may themselves or authorize to individual or organization, IP attorney in Vietnam to send to the infringed party to stop the the infringement by indicating the information regarding origin of infringement, trademark certificate, protection scope, protection duration and set a reasonable period of time for the infringer to terminate the act of infringement. In addition, depending on the case and level of infringement, the written request will bear different content. It can be said that this is a prior-should-use measure before taking other measures including application of technological measures. If the violating party cooperates and stops the infringement, it will save time and money of both parties when not taking other stronger measures.

Thirdly, owner of trademark could request the competent authority to deal with acts of trademark infringement in accordance with the provisions of laws. When the trademark owner sends the request as mentioned above to infringing party, and, the violated party does not cooperate and continue the infringement, infringed party may sent a request to competent authority with the information such as: date of making the request; name and address of infringed party or their legal representative; name of receiving request authority; name and address of infringing party; name and address of the suspected violator in the case of request for temporary cessation of customs clearance for exports or imports suspected of infringement; brief information of infringed trademark and infringement; proposed measures to handle infringement; documents and evidence accompanying the request. Depending on the seriousness of the infringement, the petitioner may submit a request to the relevant authorities to apply administrative, civil, criminal or customs measures. Be noted that if the request is sent to custom authority for temporary cessation of customs clearance for imports or exports suspected of infringement, it is required to provide the additional information on the mode of import or export, country of exportation, mode of packaging, the lawful importer or exporter, features of lawfully imported or exported goods for distinction from infringing goods.

Overall, it is important to protect the intellectual property rights. Further, engaging with IP attorney in Vietnam will help the process efficiently from registration, managing the intellectual properties, protecting the intellectual property from infringement, and handling the disputes against the IP violators in Vietnam through administrative measures, civil litigation or even criminal prosecution.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 6, 2021

Dispute Resolution in Vietnam Through Arbitration


Dispute resolution methods are litigation, negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Handing disputes requires litigation dispute law firm in Vietnam with dispute lawyers in Vietnam having experience and knowledge to provide resolutions to complex cross-border issues, commercial and civil disputes.


Arbitration Law Firm in Vietnam 

In the current business environment, most business agreements could contain a clause stipulating that disputes arisen must be resolved in arbitration.  For a dispute to be referred to arbitration, there must be a valid arbitration agreement in writing, either as an arbitration clause within a contract or a separate agreement.  If the agreement is included within the context of a contract, the arbitration clause is considered independent, and any modification, extension, or termination of the contract does not affect the validity of the arbitration clause. Vietnamese law allows for a written arbitration agreement to take the form in any written form, so long as the writing clearly indicates the parties’ intent to resolve any dispute via arbitration. If a dispute falls within the scope of a valid arbitration agreement, but a party attempts to initiate court proceedings, the residing court does not have jurisdiction over the matter, and must drop the case. Moreover, an arbitration agreement does not have to stipulate specific dispute matters and/or the arbitration organization authorized to resolve disputes without supplemental agreement.  Even if there is a valid arbitration agreement, Vietnamese Arbitration Law stipulates that in order for a dispute to go to arbitration, it must also fit into one of three categories:

(1) disputes arising from “commercial activities”;

(2) disputes where at least one party is engaged in commercial activities;

(3) other disputes where the law stipulates that arbitration is a permissible means of resolution.

In category (1), the term “commercial activity” is defined in Commercial Law No. 36-2005-QH11 (31 December 2005) as “activity for profit-making purposes comprising the purchase and sale of goods, provision of services, investment, commercial enhancement, and other activities for profit-making purposes.”  The types of disputes that often fall into the second category are noncommercial disputes, such as civil disputes, where at least one party to the dispute is engaged in commercial activities. However, this category does not apply in disputes between a good/service provider and a consumer. In this case, the law allows the party to choose between litigation and arbitration. Even the agreement includes a standard arbitration clause in the supply of goods or services contract, the dispute may not be arbitrated without the consumer’s consent. The final category of disputes permissible for arbitration gives legislators discretion to expand or maintain the types of disputes resolved through arbitration.  An example of a category (3) dispute is a dispute arising from investment activities governed by the Law on Investment.

Arbitration has become an extremely popular method of dispute resolution, as many businesses prefer it over the high costs of litigation.

Contact Us for Mediation Services in Vietnam  provided by qualified mediators and lawyers, supported by field experts.

ANT Lawyers in a law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.


Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 6, 2021

Register industrial design in Vietnam


Register industrial design in Vietnam is necessary for individual and organization.

Industrial design is the outward appearance of a product embodied in three-dimensional configuration, lines, colors or a combination of such elements. An impressed appearance shall increase the value of products, the attraction to customers and the distinction from other same products. In fact, however, appearances of products can be copied easily if there no legal protection and prior prevention. Filling industrial design in National Office of Intellectual Property shall guarantee that your product appearance is protected from violation of others.


Register industrial design in Vietnam

With highly professional staff and great experience in IP aspect in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers would like to offer you Industrial Design Filing service as follow:

ANT Lawyers service in Industry Design

Our services in this area include:

a. Evaluate the possibility of registration and use of Industrial Design;

b. Search for information on the registration and use of Industrial design;

c. File application and proceed with the legal procedures on the registration of Industrial design;

d. Advise and proceed with the legal procedures on the record of assignment of Industrial Design application;

e. Advise and proceed with the legal procedures on the record of amendment of Industrial Design application such as: name and address of the applicant;

f. Advise and proceed with the legal procedures on the amendment of the Industrial Design Certificate on the basis of transferring of ownership, merging companies; record of change of name and address of the Certificate holder;

g. Advise on the renewal of validity of the exclusive Industrial Design Certificate.

h. License and Assignment;

i. Opposition against proceedings;

j. Appeal; cancellation; invalidation;


How to file Industrial Design in Vietnam?

Required documents:

i. Original Power of Attorney from the Applicant(s);

The POA must be signed by an applicant or duly authorized representative on behalf of the Applicant (no further notarization or legalization is required);

The POA is required at the time of filing, please therefore arrange to have and provide us with scan copy via fax or email first and original one can be followed within one [01] month later.

ii. Full name and address of applicant(s);

iii. Full name, address and nationality of designer(s);

iv. Drawing of design;

The drawings of design must show clearly 7 views (separately in jpeg. format is preferable): perspective view, front view, rear view, right view, left view, top view, bottom view, at a same scale; and the minimum resolution is 300DPI.

v. Original certified true copy of priority document (if any);

vi. Salient novelty features description in which showing the using purpose or Lorcano classification of design, if any.

Time and procedures:

The ID application will be examined by National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam (NOIP) with ID Examination Procedure as below:

i. Formality examination: Under Intellectual Property Law of Vietnam, the above application will be examined as to form within one [01] month as from the filing date or date entering the national phase. If the ID application meets the requirements as to form, the NOIP will issue a decision of formality acceptance and then the application will be further processed.

ii. The Substantive Examination: The above application will be examined as to substance within 12 months.

• Notification of the Substantive Examination Results.

• The Decision of Refusal or Request to pay fee.

• Issuing the ID of Invention

Note: The deadline for filing design application in Vietnam on the basis of claiming priority right under Paris convention is 6 months counted from the earliest priority date;

iii. The total time from filing to registration in straightforward case is 12-14 months. However, in practice, this duration can be extended further 3-6 months;

ID Term and Maintenance:

A registered industrial design is given an initial protection period of 5 years from the date of filing and is extended for two further consecutive terms of 5 years each. The maximum protection period is 15 years.

If you are looking for an experience Industrial design attorney in Vietnam to help you with your Industrial design matters, you should visit Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP.

Hope this helps!

What Are the Order of Disciplining Employee in Vietnam?


Labour discipline is the provisions on compliance matters relating to work time, technology and production and business management in labor regulations. It can be understood simply that when an employee violates the labor regulations, depending on the extent and regulations of the company, he or she will be subject to disciplinary action. The order of disciplining labor is conducted in accordance with the provisions of labour code in Vietnam. Failing to follow the order of discipline would lead to potential disputes which both employer and employee should consult with dispute lawyers in Vietnam for advice to protect their best interests.


Firstly, the employer must confirm the employee’s violations

In the cases where an employee found committing a violation, the employer shall issue an offence notice, inform the employee representative organization (or the employee’s parent or legal representative if the employee is under 18) in order to hold a disciplinary meeting.

Secondly, issuing notice of the disciplinary meeting

This step is only carried out in case the employer detects violations of labor discipline after the time when the violation has occurred, there are sufficient grounds to prove the fault of the employee and the statute of limitations for disciplining.

The employer sends the notice with the content, time and place of the meeting to handle the labor discipline to the organization representing the labor collective at the grassroots level; workers; In the case of a person under 18 years old, there must be the participation of a parent or legal representative.

The employer must ensure these recipients receive notice before the meeting takes place and conduct a labor discipline meeting with the participation of the notification components.

Thirdly, conducting a disciplinary meeting

It is mandatory to have the minutes of the disciplinary meeting, which have to be approved by the participants before the end of the meeting. The minutes shall bear the participants’ signatures. If any participant that refuses to sign the minutes, there should be explanation.

Fourthly, disciplinary decisions

The person that concludes the employment contract on the employer’s side also has the power to issue the disciplinary decision. The disciplinary decision shall be issued before expiration of the original or extended time limit for penalty imposition specified the labour code.

The disciplinary decision shall be sent to the employee (or his/her parent or legal representative if the employee is under 18) and the employee representative organization.

ANT Lawyers is an employment dispute law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients.


Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 6, 2021

Intellectual Property and Trademark Registration Services in Vietnam


In Vietnam, many businesses today have not paid sufficient attention to trademark protection. Only when their trademarks would be infringed by other companies or competitors, they really concern to protect their trademarks and business through trademark registration, trademark opposition or take further actions. Such situation will negatively impact the business financially.

Trademark Registration services in Vietnam

Trademark rights will be protected within the national territory, therefore when a trademark has been registered in Vietnam, it will be protected in Vietnam. If one company wishes their trademarks to be protected in other countries, it could:

-Directly register in each country or

-Register via the Madrid International registration by filing a single application which indicates the registrations at respective countries.

If registered under the Madrid International, firstly, trademarks must have been submitted trademark applications or have registered in Vietnam, depending on whether the country for protection is under the Madrid Protocol or the Madrid Agreement.

Law on Intellectual Property and its related documents could also be referred to for further information.

ANT Lawyers’ services in the field of trademark registration advice covers:

-Look-up, assess and consult possibilities to register trademark in Vietnam and abroad;

-Represent clients in applying for certificates of trademark registration, record modification, extend degree of trademark protection in Vietnam and abroad;

-Evaluate the effectiveness of the certificate of trademark registration in Vietnam and the possibility of trademark rights violation;

-Implement of the protected trademark rights: investigate, monitor, negotiate, seek arbitration or initiate a lawsuit or request other competent agencies for handling of infringement in Vietnam and abroad;

-Negotiate, draft, evaluate and register the of changing trademark ownership in Vietnam and abroad;

-Advise on building strategies, brand development;

If you are looking for an experienced Trademark lawyers in Vietnam to help you with your Trademark application, you should visit Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP.




Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 6, 2021

Recordal of Trademark Assignment

Assignment of a trademark right means the transfer of ownership right by owner of such trademark right to another organization or individual.

Trademark Assignment in Vietnam be established in the form of written agreement. Oral agreements, letters or telegrams shall not be accepted and have no legal effect. 


Recordal of Trademark Assignment in Vietnam

Required documents

You are required to provide us the following documents:

-One executed original of Deed of Assignment, which must be signed and sealed by both Assignor and Assignee. Since the Deed of Assignment has two pages, both Assignor and Assignee should sign on each page or use company stamp to inter-cross seal over all pages (NO      further notarization or legalization is required);

-A Power of Attorney (POA) that should only be signed by the Representative of Assignee; 

-The relevant original Certificate of Trademark Registration (if recording the assignment for a registered one).

Procedures and time

After the recordal of assignment is completed, the NOIP will issue the following documents:

-The Notice of Assignment Recordal in case of a pending Trademark Application.

-The Certificate for Registration of Deed of Assignment in case of Trademark Registration in Vietnam.

In addition, the name and address of new owner will be endorsed on the last page of this Certificate of Trademark Registration.

The whole duration for recordal of assignment in Vietnam will in straightforward case is 2 months counted from the filing date. However, in practice, this duration can be extended from 3-6 months.

Other matters

Under Vietnam Intellectual Property Law, the trademark assignment will not be approved in the following cases:

-The subject mark for assignment identical/confusingly similar to the trade name of assignor as it shall cause the confusion as to the origin of goods or services with those of assignor. 

-The subject mark for assignment similar or identical to other trademarks but not for assignment of Assignor in respect of similar goods or services as it shall cause the confusion as to the origin of goods or services with the rest of assignor.

If you are looking for an experienced IP services in Vietnam to help you with your IP application, you should visit Our attorneys have experience with the IP process and will work closely with you as you apply for your IP.


Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 6, 2021

How to Recognize Father or Mother for a Child in Vietnam


It is a legal requirement in Vietnam to register the recognition of father, mother of a child regardless the child’s parents are married or not. Such recognition shall be made on the newly issued birth certificate of the child.


Recognize Father for Child in Vietnam

The recognition of the father, mother protects the legal rights of all involved parties. For the family involving foreign elements i.e foreigners, expatriates living in Vietnam, the procedure for recognition of father, mothers of a child have to follow the laws of Vietnam, through various steps at Vietnam Authority including People’s Committee, Provincial Department of Justice and at Consular of foreign country where the mother or father of the child comes from.

The dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall include the following papers:

-The application for recognition of father, mother of the child;

-The copies of the ID (for Vietnamese citizens staying in the country), or passports or substitute papers (for foreigners and Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries);

-The copies of the birth certificates of the persons to be recognized as child;

-Papers, documents or evidences (if any) to prove that there is a blood relationship between the father or mother and the child;

-The copy of the household registration book or collective resident certificate (for Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in the country);

-The permanent residence card (for foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam) of the persons to be recognized as father or mother.

Documents issued in foreign language shall need to be translated into Vietnamese, notarized or legalized to conform with legal document requirements of Vietnam authorities.

The time for processing dossiers at various authorities depend on the submitted documents and the time taken by the authorities to validate the case and could range between two weeks to two months.

The Vietnam authorities will need to study and examine dossiers of application for recognition of father, mother of the child. In cases where there is any doubts, complaints or denunciation about the recognition of father, mother of the child, or whether it is deemed that the personal identification of the involved parties or papers in the dossiers of application need to be clarified, the Provincial Department of Justice shall carry out the verification, including interviews with the involved parties or request for the additional proof.

Once the application is processed, verified and confirmed, the revised birth certificate of the child will be issued to reflect the changes which will show the name of the father or mother added.

We are a law firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529.